Attending a funeral
To keep yourselves and the general public safe, you must follow the government’s guidance on social distancing. If you are attending a funeral, follow this:
- wear a face covering, unless you are exempt
- provide us with your contact details for NHS Test and Trace
- discourage family and friends who cannot attend the funeral from gathering outside the chapel
- refrain from sharing refreshments in the Cemetery and Crematorium grounds after the funeral
For NHS Test and Trace, we will only hold your contact details for 21 days.
Bereavement Services office
The Bereavement Services office remains closed to in-person visits.
Cemetery grounds
We will continue to take care of the cemetery grounds, but the staff you may see on-site can’t help with enquiries at the moment.
You should respect social distancing and should not approach staff or walk within two meters of anyone on site. The water system in the cemetery is on, but watering cans and flower flutes are currently unavailable.
Crematorium and burial services
The Crematorium is only open for funeral services. Burial services also continue in the Cemetery grounds. There are restrictions on the number of those attending.
Due to social distancing requirements, the number of people at funerals is limited. Whilst we recognise the importance of funerals, we must follow regulations and guidance at all times. Only a small number of family and friends of the deceased travel to and attend a funeral.
Seating will allow up to 20 people in the South Chapel or 10 people in the North Chapel, spaced out to allow appropriate social distancing. There is no standing room.
If you are attending a funeral you can use the toilets, but only when the previous service has finished and everyone has left the Chapel.
The Chapels have been organised to provide a two-metre distance between different household groups and ministers and celebrants carrying out the service. The catafalque curtains will remain open throughout the service.
Flowers are not to be placed in the Memorial Chapel or by the memorial wall, by the rose garden.
Memorial Chapel
The Memorial Chapel is open to view the Book of Remembrance, only.
You should not:
- touch the book of remembrance cabinet surface
- place flowers or vases in the Memorial Chapel
The Memorial Chapel is open every day and closes 15 minutes before the ground close.